Ensemble Extra Ordinair

CD – Valse Rust
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Ensemble Extra Ordinair

since 2014, with Han Buhrs
since 2019 EEO XL with Fabio Galeazzi, Salvoandrea Lucifora

singing bucket, bean cutter flip bongo, wok lid, complaining drawer, toffee tin bass and forgotten organs.

With rhythmically screaming feedback buckets, popping trays, wok-lid percussion, snuffling toffee drum bass, nicht-wohl-temperierte tuning forks and runaway haricot mills.

And also:
Metylpiano, contemporary music from before the war (with smokey notes), tired organs, squeaking bluesharp, ultrashort stamping songs and spit speeches.

With titles such as:
The Dip Is Deep This Time,
False Rest,
What Well Beautiful ?
All Ghosts
Nut Is Delusional 2 and Regre … t.

Fun is different, but nothing is more amusing than peculiar interpreted idiosyncrasies and sorrow in singular verses.
Nora Mulder and Han Buhrs are Ensemble Extra Ordinair